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In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Richard Wetz and Martin Scherber, composers influenced by Bruckner
Post Subject: That is an interesting thought.Posted by Gargoyle on: 8/19/2024
Is AI capable of "creation"?
Would it rather be a "simulation"?
If we look at the utility of recalling and applying textual information to comparative under educated individual like me, it looks one way. If I was knowledgeable on said particular topic, would I feel the same way? The synthetic nature would become vivid despite the competent prose.

The first time I saw a picture of an AI girl, it was indeed very attractive. By the time I saw the 5th and 6th example it became immediately clear that they are AI, as the girls all look related.

It is artificial, but to use the term "Intelligent" is pretty fast and loose depending on your threshold for intelligence.  Take a PC from 10 years ago with a basic OS, nobody would call this AI yet that old computer could perform over a billion calculations per second. Over a billion calculations in the time it takes to drop an orange.

If AI was truly intelligent, where are the new musical scales? Where is the culture of newfound traditions? Why is there not 600 years worth of "new" music available at my beck and call?

IMO "AI" is a good marketing term for a next level search engine. That's all it is. It compiles results to your query in an intelligible manor and sprinkles on a predetermined set of random variability that have had their extremities culled, depending on the nature of them medium.

I'm not worried about "AI" robots take over the world, I worry about those people that would program this fear into a mechanical capability.
It's a stupid thought, just as the first alien that you meet has two arms, two legs and two eyes.  Out of all the possible colours, why green?, that happens to be centralized in the sweet spot of our visual sensitivity to the electromagnetic spectrum. Coincidence?

If an aliens body absorbs, or is transparent to all visible light and only reflects X-rays, you would not even see it.  If you think a space ship has a dashboard you may considered an asshole by some.

In fact, lets test. Right now I will search in real time for a picture of an AI Alien, what do you think it will come up with? "artificial intelligence picture of alien" in google, click images.
This is literally the first image that shows up, posted in the New York Post of all places, a business that you could say sells narratives.

You can let go of your pearls now.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site