Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Richard Wetz and Martin Scherber, composers influenced by Bruckner
Post Subject: RenaissancePosted by Paul S on: 8/11/2024
Yes, I was not thinking about that, but it is certainly true that wars have done everything they could to eradicate Art. I used to say that Art is like a cockroach, in that it seems to survive against efforts to stifle it. Amazing, when you think about it, how Music endured the BS and also re-established itself ASAP. I guess we're still waiting to see how things go vs. the radio, TV, the computer, and the cell phone, now including AI. In some ways I'm glad I'm old; but I admit I remain curious to see and/or hear something greater than the best of what I've already experienced. I'm not holding my breath but I try to stay ready.

Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site