Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Richard Wetz and Martin Scherber, composers influenced by Bruckner
Post Subject: WarsPosted by steverino on: 8/11/2024
Paul,  People underestimated the impact of the wars in Europe on our music scene. There was a large emigration of artists and performers to the Americas starting in the first decade of the 20th C due to the money offered. Even the celebrated Jeritza was happy to board the sea liner and rake in the dollars. And of course Gustav followed too among others. It became a flood in the 1930s of course. So all these people inflated the classical music scene here to proportions not seen before. But as you say it was not indigenous and once they aged out in the 60s and 70s the cachet of classical music began to fade. Even Lenny went to Europe in the 80s. The CD scene compensated for awhile because of the flood of repertoire that appeared on it, but now CDs are just being given away in the US although they hang on in Japan and Europe better. I can see the Far East continuing some level of classical music but at a much lower level than Europe including Russia of course. We are fortunate that a large repertoire of even second rank but worthwhile composers like those mentioned  in this thread were recorded for our benefit. That may be what is left outside of a few big cities in the Americas.

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