Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Garg wants more horns.
Post Subject: Tilt-a-whirlPosted by Gargoyle on: 8/8/2024
I get the whole don't toe in the speaker thing now. Like most people I have always pointed the speakers directly at myself, studio monitor style even with floor standers.

These speakers tonight sound better shooting straight out. It feels weird to look at but sounds better. I'm sitting what feels really close too, the speakers are 4.5 apart and I'm sitting 3' out.

If I toe them in I loose something in the mids, the "extra detail" feels unwanted and somewhat raw in comparison. I've never really sat down and done this comparison.

See that's why this site is great, Romy notices and retains little audio nuggets like this.  Otherwise this detail seems so small that you would typical ignore it.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site