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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Garg wants more horns.
Post Subject: Grabbed the reins.Posted by Gargoyle on: 8/8/2024
Tonight I had to get this temporary 2-way setup right as this project is being used everyday while it's being built.

I wired the 6.5" box speaker to a lower channel. I was worried that, missing bass aside, everything sounded like shit. The muscles in my ears were doing that spasm thing. I was worried the 234XL units would not be usable for their temporary role of getting the airships built. They seem fine now.

I swapped around the three different horn sizes, essentially in real time, by holding them up to the driver. For sure the biggest 615Hz horn is the way to go out of the three that I made, It has everything of the smaller horns without losing anything (At least to my quick ear tests) It seems the most versatile.

The little 1250Hz horn was cool, pretty transparent if you just wanted to use it in a higher/highest freq application. However I'm taking more mid-range from these drivers, in fact I could put another tweeter on top of the big 615Hz horn if I felt I needed some sizzle.

It's cool using the active crossover. I started with the big horn at 1.4K, just to get down close to the 6.5" woofer. Turning the dial up to 2.4K the horn then disappears into the background leaving behind just the music. Really cool to hear it happen like that. These drivers/horns sound good with a bit of room to swing their feet.

That being said I now have bit of a hole in my response.. (6.5" are below 960Hz)
Doing my best to recall the 604E speakers that I had, I can now sense some congestion. I think it was crossed at around 1500Hz, IMO a bit too low for the little multi-cell horns that they have.

The speed of the horns took a few songs to get used to again, it's been a while.
The little woofers are sealed however with foam surrounds, obviously a little cotton mouthed in comparison.

As far as the actual B&C DE10 compression drivers with the mylar membranes? They have a gentle presentation, I am not disappointed. A simple cliche description would be organic sounding. I was worried I would get a piezo-electronic sound. I have no other reference other than to say I like them better than the Altec that I had. Self bias aside.
They are creamier than the little ribbons that they just replaced too. I like them.                                       

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