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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Garg wants more horns.
Post Subject: Du KarussellbremserPosted by Gargoyle on: 8/6/2024
The actual tweeters have not arrived yet, tomorrow. This is one channel of a rather miss-configured bookshelf speaker. The first sweeps above were 75db.

Now you know this is a microphone inside a horn, not a typical external sweep of the horn. The shape of the sweep is arbitrary.

The textured horn picked up more noise. (Assuming this is accurate.) I have a 50:50 chance of being right.  The horns are not the same, one is louder. (colored) The smooth horn sounds louder to my ear. I have not really postulated an audible trait. It's safer to allude.
The denticles on the textured horn give it more surface area, it's done something. In my naive opinion that is  fairly significant difference given the low sound level.

Which one do you think it is louder? To clarify, I'm talking about coloration from the horn, that "ocean" sound. Not louder horn db.

Does a bell not ring when you strike it? What do you think would happen if you decouple the compression driver from the horn to remove the mechanical excitement?
Perhaps another topic.

This is how you understand things. I will teach you great things.

As cool as it is it look at atoms, I'm was more interested in a tangible, easily achievable results first. I'm still in orbit around this project.

I can pretty much disregard the rest of your deficiency list for now as it is not relevant to this specific situation. I will however make note.

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