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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Garg wants more horns.
Post Subject: Listen to the oceanPosted by Gargoyle on: 8/5/2024
I spent some time today listening, by holding the shells up to my ears, so to speak. Something we should all relate too. They all have their "ambiance" or static voice. The large horn sounding like an offshore ocean breeze, I swear I heard a coconut fall, the smallest horn hissing like a 1980s cassette.

Thinking of horns in reverse, it yields some interesting anecdotes by hearing the horns alone, with their towels down.

To expand further, the textured surface idea has been driven around here before, so let's play.
A duplicate of the 1250Hz horn was made but with some shark-skin like texture.
There is an obvious difference listening to the sharkskin horn vs the "smooth" horn. (The smooth horn was scuffed up to remove surface defects but still retains some layer lines from printing, it is not truly smooth)

I have to listen to quiet things to discern differences, like a background computer fan or some digital hash coming through my speakers from the computer.
The best that I can tell from my ear is that the textured horn has a lower frequency "ambience". Sometimes seemed quieter but not always, so I attributed that to how I was holding the horn.

Now I printed an adapter to see if I can measure something that might correspond to what I am hearing. Lets have a look at my dubious test.
Three sweeps of each horn overly. RED, GREEN and BLUE are the textured horn, the other colours are the "smooth" cone. Keep in mind likely huge margarine of error. This test was at 75db but as I type this I think I should have went much quieter like my listening test.

So it might look the opposite of what I heard? The frequency response seems somewhat similar?, or is it actually a bit lower if equalized for sound level? The textured cone appears to pick up more information? Maybe it is doing it's job to diffuse the sound and what I am seeing is the result of mechanical vibration directly to the microphone from this interaction?

Should I be like DIYer and call these cold hard facts, or be more measured and perform the test again? Is this too many questions?
***The first green from the textured cone is burried with red and blue. The lower lighter green that you mostly see was the last sweep with the smooth cone, so it is more visable.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site