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In the Forum: Musical Discussions
In the Thread: Richard Wetz and Martin Scherber, composers influenced by Bruckner
Post Subject: Victor Bendix Symphony 1Posted by steverino on: 7/31/2024
One other symphony that I think fits in the general Bruckner style, albeit early Bruckner of Sym 3 and 4, is Victor Bendix' Symphony 1 in C Major. Bendix was a Danish composer who lived 1851-1926. The Bendix Sym 1 was written at the same time as Bruckner was working on his Sym 7. It is subtitled Fjeldstigning translated as Mountain Climbing and I find it quite stirring and evocative. This is the only Bendix symphony that has any relation to the Bruckner style as his laterĀ  symphonies 2-4 are more what I would callĀ  Nordic pastoral.
It has been recorded twice once by the Omsk Symphony on Danacord and more recently on the Da Capo label by the Malmo Symphony.

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