Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: Thank you, Sir! May I have another (MC-3000 II)?
Post Subject: Up Where Ambiance LivesPosted by Paul S on: 7/28/2024

I have told in this thread that it took me many years to get the best from the MC3000II/T3000 combo, and I have shared my findings that random tracking parameters result in random Sound, and only optimal adjustment results in optimal Sound. While most settings hold from disc to disc, I have found that VTA is critical enough with the Replicant stylus that it is best to re-set it for each LP, according to the thickness of that LP. And this last “rule” also applies the new Namiki MicroRidge stylus, which actually sounds a lot like the Replicant, but it seems to track better in my rig. Yesterday I lightened VTF to barely over 2 grams, and I raised my tonearm ever so slightly above where I had gotten the best results with the Replicant, before the needle swap. Upshot? It turns out there’s a good deal more in the way of ambiance on/in my LP grooves than I was aware of! And, apparently, there was yet more room for general “settling” of the Sound, as well, with no loss of anything I’ve valued to date. Since my VTA system always keeps arm heights relative to LP thickness, I only needed to dial in one LP of known thickness in order for the relative height system to work on every subsequent LP. All Good!>>

Paul S

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