Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: A perfect "High-End" Audio Demo
Post Subject: Thanks, ClarkPosted by Romy the Cat on: 6/16/2024

thank you it was a cute story about Clark. Let me tell you another one. That was like Clark was the person who and willingly make me to hook on Bruckner? Back in the 1995 I moved from Philadelphia to Boston and in few months I somehow ended up in Clark house for the first time meet him. We really didn't like each other and this pretty much was continuous over many many years. We have very different communication style. Clark is very methodological and very particular how he expressed himself and he insists to be expressed and he recognize only one today to do it. Have zero tolerance to this and my communication style is very different. I can handle five six swords in the same time surround them parallel or across, interrupt myself and anothers, inject stories and jokes, and my communication is rather a gypsy market then Clark"s, what I called anual retentive conversation stillee. We there in the good relationship for many years and visited each other's account at times but we will knew that when will begin to argue, we just hate how opposite party is talking. That was the very first visit, we didn't know each other and Clark has a special shelf with the best recordings ever was made for individual performances and I asked him that I would like to review it. I pulled different records and we were talking about this or that different performance and then I pull a Brucner record. I told to Clark that I never was able to get Bruckner to which he replied of course. I asked him what did he mean by that. He's a reply was a spectacular. He said: "Bruckner is mediative music which require patience and you, Romy, cannot handle it because you never can shut the fuck up" I was absolutely not insulted but quite opposite, I went to a store bought more Bruckner music and decided to test Clark theory. It took for me another few years to get there at fool bandwidth but it was a very different story. One way or another Clark for the one who challenged me with Bruckner, and I am very very glad he did.

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