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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: My new “New” listening room, 2024
Post Subject: Recoup the energyPosted by anthony on: 5/22/2024
 Romy the Cat wrote:

1)    Since you use the injection channel, stop using it. The injection channel was a ridiculous idea with exceptionally beneficial results, but now I have found it better. You have two Tannoy Red 10 drivers. Use the HF section of them as tweeters. You will be very surprised how beautifully they work as twitters in the context of S2 drivers as a mid-range. You can drive it from your Milq’s injection channel or change the transformer on your Milq’s HF channel.  It still will be an injection as I recommend crossing it with the second order between 1800 and 3000 cycles. So, the S2 driver and the Tannoy tweeter will work together.  All unpleasantness off Tannoy Twitter that we know from the sound of complete Tannoy red drivers will not manifest itself. The Red will not need an enclosure. I however built a small box because it just looks ugly when they hang along. When I have time, I will ask my mechanic to cut off the low-frequency basket for Tannoy. It will undoubtedly demagnetize the magnet, so it will be a ceremony to put it all the way back together. I will also need my Macondo frame modification to accommodate the driver. For the time being, a small box was a quick and convenient solution. Also, I do not know if the Tannoy Twitter will change its own sonic signature without this large woofer cone acting as a small rate horn.

I do not presently use an Injection Channel.  The Red 10" pair is here, and the channel exists within the amplifier but currently just powers a resistor rather than the Reds.  Injection was always seen as the final channel once all others were sorted and it may or may not be done depending on Midbass needs.  When the Red 10" were purchased I was scammed by the seller because the woofer cones are certainly not genuine and are of unknown origin, which was another reason not to rush to set up the Injection Channel, but it seems as though I managed to get two genuine tweeters so nothing is lost in the end.

At present I am very pleased by my sound.  It does things that I've not heard other systems able to do, especially unwrapping complex passages into a message that I can interpret and appreciate.  So much so that a large portion of my listening is to live, single take recordings, of all kinds of musical genres.  What is a wall of sound in other high-end systems is unwrapped by Melq/Mac into individual bricks each in their right place.  I LOVE this ability to make sense of cacophonies.  The RAAL Lazy Ribbon tweeter seems to fit very well within the entire presentation and it's cleanliness certainly does contribute to the sound....but....sometimes I do wish for a less "white" sound up top.  More colour, or perhaps contrast, not that anybody could ever accuse my sound as lacking any of those things.  The treble is so clear and well behaved that with some material it is almost, well, boring.  Listening to well recorded piano, an instrument that can separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak, is bliss...absolutely wonderful, addictive.  No qualms with the RAAL there.

I will trial swapping out the RAAL for the Red tweeter.  Is a single stage Melq channel suitable for the Red tweeter?  Is this something you have tried Romy?  Not a lot of power on tap.

 Romy the Cat wrote:

2)    Do introduce educated direct radiator mid base channel. If you convert your high frequency channel to drive Tannoy Twitter, then you have the injection channel of your amplifier free to drive your new midbass. You will need a lot of power and a lot inductance in your transformer for midbass. I feel that Milq’s bass is a perfect candidate. After you introduce midbass you will certainly change how you use your woofer towers. I can only assure you that if you cross them at let's 20-30 Hz put them on a transitional slope, and let your mid base to cover down to 40-50 cycles, then you will have a completely new sound from the Scanspeaks

I am sure that correcting my midbass will change how I interpret the HF channel, but I am not certain exactly whether it will be perceived as more or less "white".  In the past, with other speakers, when resolution of the bass has been improved I have generally appreciated the high frequencies more but I am not so sure this time.  Melquiades/Macondo is different, and my instinct here is that as I improve the quality and quantity of bass in my room that I may appreciate my HF less, and it has almost been an excuse to follow interests other than audio for a while.  The energy and will to experiment and create in this endeavour has returned and it is time to once and for all finalise my bass in this room.

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