Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: The K&K SE hybrid phono stage: a report
Post Subject: RIP, Kevin CarterPosted by Paul S on: 5/15/2024
I just saw a post in memory of Kevin Carter, who passed away early February this year. I guess I was not the only person who enjoyed talking with him and doing audio business with him. I think quite a few people who visit this forum got Luhndal transformers from him. I have had his Maxxed SE phono stage for many years, and I will probably keep it for the rest of my life. Strange-But-True Trivia: Kevin completed his PhD at Oregon State Univ. during a time that I lived with my family in Corvallis, OR, while my wife was getting her MA in education at OSU. Even weirder, Kevin got his BS at UC Riverside, where my wife went for her first 2 years of college.

Sorry to hear this news.

Paul S

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