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In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Romy the Cat's Audio recommendation: the biggest bang for a back
Post Subject: DspPosted by Bill on: 8/19/2023
I had a Walker Proscenium turntable with various cartridges. About twenty years ago I converted all my vinyl to 24/96 files and have never looked back. As far as dsp processing, the Trinnov altitude does a superb job of either recreating the hall sounds from two channel or surround from sacd recordings, especially using Auro 3 D decoding. The Trinnov Altitude processor does anything from first to sixth order crossovers, wit driver volume and distance correction , room and speaker correction, appropriate speaker placement for each channel, phase adjustment of each driver, and the ability to do  frequency volume correction, all in the digital domain. As far as quality of sound, Romy definitely has me beat with the pureness he attains, especially in the bass. Since he let me borrow two of his Vitavox s3 drivers for my mid horns, I have come closer but not matched him with two channel sound. But his major advantage is his CD transport, which in some way enriches the bass frequencies, and his Vitavox 15 inch drivers and his 21 inch attic based speakers which come as close as I’ve heard to true concert hall bass.He does not come close with the room reverberation, but he is using only four small decent sounding speakers which do not have the effect that my system does in recreating the hall sound. But, I would trade in a second that hall effect for what he obtains with his two main channels. I have never heard anything that comes close to what he has accomplished in recreating an orchestral sound.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site