Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: Romy the Cat's Audio recommendation: the biggest bang for a back
Post Subject: Shaping Sound With DSPPosted by Paul S on: 7/28/2023
Bill, it sounds like you have made a significant investment (time and resources) into (re)producing reverberation with your entire system, also setting time alignments of various drivers, across the board, and I assume you would not have gotten this far down that road unless you liked how it sounds. On this board, I have not been able to determine from what you've said if you think the things you get from the DSP outweigh Romy's net from his "direct transmission" amp/speakers and "admittedly mediocre", limited "DSP/delay injection"? Based on my own (limited) experience, I have supposed from the start that DSP itself imposes  its own "sonic toll". So far, for me, the rationale behind the DSP has not panned out in the overall sound I've heard. I realize this proves nothing about DSP, per se, and I am very interested to hear about successful implementations. People have swooned about the DSP (reinforcement) in a nearby concert hall, and it's always left me flat. I came very close to adding a center channel, but backed down at the last minute, for reasons I've gone into in other GSC posts, basically fear of effects from the processing. Do you often use vinyl sources?

Best regards,
Paul S

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