Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo 3.0
Post Subject: YesterdayPosted by Bill on: 7/15/2023
Feeling less depressed this am. After returning from Romy's and coming down from the high produced by his sound, I made the mistake of turning on my system, which had sounded great the night before. Within less than a half hour I turned it off and went to bed. Compared to his, it sounded like a 60's solid state portable. After 76 years, 55 of which have been spent as audiophile and 14 years of reviewing for a high end audio webzine evaluating mega bucks equipment and systems at shows and homes, I am convinced that I have never heard anything close to what I did yesterday. If I were 20 years younger and not ready for an old fogies home in a couple of years, I¡d trash my system and build one matching his components, money be damned. If you get a chance, visit him and listen but be warned. There's no going back. It was the closest to a live performance in symphony hall or the Staatsverein I’ve ever heard. Of course part of this is due to his using surround techniques, which he calls delay but is really what I ( and he now) call HALL EFFECT REPRODUCTION, which attempts to reproduce what we actually hear in a concert hall, with it frequency changes, delays, and reverb decay. That makes up from 20 to 60 plus percent of what we hear in a concert hall depending on our seating.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site