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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: DIY Void acoustics Air motion // Azurahorns // Martion Orgon
Post Subject: Interesting design but also nice sound!Posted by tequilahut on: 3/29/2020
 noviygera wrote:
You mention Air Motion system. As an example. How do you know you like the sound -- did you listen to them? Or is the aesthetics of horns that you like and that is forming your selection of examples?
It's good to know that from the start.

Hello thank you!
it is a combination of both. Me personally I listen and produce techno music. I can definitely identify which speakers are good or bad, same for headphones. But I think this metaphor with cooking/taste can point out my level of listen experience: When there is somebody who is a wine tester, this individual can easily point out why this specific wine is good or bad. He/she can easily tell you all different tastes that you can find inside and so on and so forth. I am not a wine tester but I know when a wine simply taste good - of course I cannot list all different taste that you can find in that glass.
I think thats more or less the same with the audiophiles ( no offence)  these people have years of experience to identify 1000 different parameters why a sound is great or not great. But that simply does not apply for me. 
Back to the wine metaphor. I can buy a wine for 30$ which is probably a good wine or which is calming to be a good wine and it taste for me personally good. I could also buy a wine for 60$ but this does not necessary taste any better for me - probably because I am not able to apperciate/value this wine and therefore this adder - however I can very easy identify a bad one for 3$ that is only usable for coocing.

Somehow I think thats the same for me on these Voids. I can totally understand that people that have lots of experience in sound/music don't like them because there are 1000 reasons why they sound bad. 
I listen to techno music and I think the image that these speakers provide in this gerne is very good, but I can also image that there are better systems in the market. 
Lets imagine it would be possible to build these voids or something similar as a diy-project. Whinin this project I can achieve almost a similar frequency response and dynamic response and save some money because I build them. Thats more or less what I am looking for. 
Last point: I really do like the aestetics of these speakers - however I do know that this does not impact the sound. Being that said - I would love to see my DIY Air motions in my Living room being aware that there are better systems but refering to that they are self-made as long they do provide a good image my personally would be very happy.  thats kind of my point of view on this project. 
Maybe I waive on that - without having good literature or anything to start with that whole thing might me a disaster upfront. 

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