Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Audio critique – open your mind!
Post Subject: Different question – different answers.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/24/2006


I absolutely disagree and I think there is a huge difference between lettings your wife to know that skin in her neck remind you sesame chicken and letting a play director know that his new production stinks. Of course we moderate our behavior in order do not hurt (for instance I do not make public comment about private visits) but what kind damage might be involved if one person present his efforts and another person pass his observations on the RESULT of those efforts. Pretend that collect stamps (bear with me I know nothing about stamps) related to US constitution and after someone looked through your collection tell you that you have missed entire period from 1920 and your stamps from 19 century are Brooklyn made fake. Does it mean that it put you is a suicidal mode or it means that you god educated and your stamp-collecting skills go evolved? If you written a book and somebody, after reading it, inform you about the self-contradicting facts in this book, or about hideous language or about kitschy plot or about shallow developed characters then does it mean anything else beside that fact that a person invested his time into results of your labor and share with you’re his observations. What is the difference in audio? You spend day of you live in your listening rooms trying to make that cable elevator between your phonostage and cartridge to “sound better” and someone after listening your setup inform you that your cartridge loaded insultingly sharp or your loudspeakers have midrange driver that does not fire up. Does it mean that your ego hurt so hard hat you should put in your will a vendetta obliging you children to kill all me children? Doesn’t it mean that you should take advantage of learning something and do not waste your time in the unfruitful actions?

Do we toss the baby with water when we “take a small pleasure in telling them that it's either incredible or unbelievable and let them take from that the meaning they want to”. Does it deliver anything else besides diminishing expectations and create an opportunely for ignorant and devious idiots (means audio-dealers) to flourish their operations? In the end, dose it mean that after the visit you, despite that your phonocorrector that has no LF section of RIAA curve, should return back to playing with your cable elevator to “get more bass”? (Bear with me as well:  all audio examples are not fictional)

It is not about the “audio hasn't evolved as far as it could have if everyone had been ruthlessly honest to everyone else”. Audio has no own evolvement and evolvement of audio critique is a subject of individual consciousness. Are we looking forward to be “right” or “happy” in our marriage? Are we looking forward to be “right” or “happy” in our calculations of ballast for our yachts? I’m sure those two question would have very different answers.

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site