Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: About audio hoarding
Post Subject: Ah, sure...Posted by Romy the Cat on: 3/7/2018
I completely valid point, tuga.
It is interesting that with age the recordings hoarding has a different
perspective, at least how I feel it. Initially you are entertained and find useful
to have multiple interpretation of a given work. Then with years you build your
own interpolation of how the work needs to be played and you end up with a very
limited number of interpolations, and you listen only them. The question is
what to do with the interpolations that you do not like? I wish I have an answer
or have balls to throw them away… I always was very friendly to different
pressings (would it be CDs or LPs) of the selected cherished interpolation. But
is also have an ugly forms. You collect a few “better pressings” and then you
go to the stupid eremites… This copy to be played for “every day”, this one for
“special occasions”, this one is a backup for “special occasions”, this one is
back up #2, 3…5, this one never were opened, this is ultra-low noise but softer
bass, this one were coved with some oily crap, this one
ound the best” but
has a few cracks, this is “in plastic back #6”, this one was given to me by a friend
who is no longer with us, this one in the envelope with unique box staffing,
this one I played when I first time “got” the work, this one to play with bad cartridge….
The list might go on and one and the result you siting with identical 15 LPs of
your favorite for and your favorite interpretation and make a mental note that
last 3 years you were listening the work only on CD… Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site