Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: How difficult is it to achieve Vox Olympian sound
Post Subject: AddictivePosted by Newtohorn on: 1/3/2018
Romy, thanks for your prompt response.  I find your response a bit appalling since I seriously hope I can get away by achieving a similar sound by not paying the full price.  What did click about the Olympian?  Might be easier to do comparison.  Say the Trios and Cessaro I heard, although there is that dynamic and wow factor, there is this disjointed sound feeling and I felt I cannot listen for long hours.  The JbL 66000 that I heard simply was not refined.  The Olympian was delicate and refined.  It pulls you into the music and most importantly the music was proportionate.  I felt like I can listen for long hours. It has this direct sound like other horns do while at the same time sounded proportionate and delicate.  Just addictive.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site