Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: A listening room for a domesticated Cat?
Post Subject: One more theoretical solutionPosted by noviygera on: 9/27/2017
These are 103db efficient 15" midbass boxes. It's a band pass horn design with narrow bandwidth of 60-250hz. No port thought, it's a sealed box with two chambers in front of the driver. I do not know how they sound but, myself interested in trying them out (perhaps to rent from the US distributor). It could be bad sounding but maybe not, since you do not need to cross very high:
I can see a few good things about this design in the context of your system:1. Easy to time align because of the short horn is not really a horn. It's probably around 24" deep.2. Very efficient but has steep rolloff below the pass band. The image below is is the 18" version, just to give an idea of the loading mechanism.

Although I did not have a great experience with the straight short Edgar horn, I feel these are not equivalent. I did hear a this design briefly and it sounded promising. By no means I am recommending this for you but it is theoretically a option, as a more efficient version of your Vitavox sealed boxes.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site