I dont think a standart klipschorn would satisfy the cat. I had one, then I heavily modified it and in the end I built my full scale horn system. I still keep that modded khorn system as a second system.
If I may suggest, if you use klipschorn, you can build a better midrange horn, like a tractrix horn with a cf of 200hz. A better midrange driver that can be crossed around 300-350hz.
Unless you go active and have delay for the midrange and the tweeter, the basshorn will not be time aligned. So it is better to have midrange work down to 300hz than the standart 500hz (as far as my ears could tell). On the plus side, the khorn bass, if khorn are properly set up is a really nice bass experience. If you choose to go active, and delay the rest of the system to the bass, I still suggest taking the midrange approach (changing the horn and the driver, lowering the freq)
A time aligned tweeter on top, you can use your ribbons but they should be crossed much lower than you were used to. (I had the fostex t500amk2 work down to 6400hz). You will also need a better (more suited) crossover for this operation. The volti audio khorn crossover is good and is adjustable.
I would also suggest, changing where you put the speakers. Khorns will sound better if you put the other one where the piano is situated. They really love the long wall approach. |