3) The time integration of MF and Upperbass is tricky. You can calculate where the Fane diaphragm is, where the S2 diaphragm is and they pretty much not on a curve but on direct vertical line. The precession of that calculation is kind of not important as Fane is not flat and has dome depth of the diaphragm. So, doing subjective assessments of the integration benefits I realized that all that you need to do between those channels is putting the MF atop of the point of max amplitude of upperbass. 500Hz has a wavelength of around 2.2 feet, 1000Hz is around 1.1feet. With such a long wave you will have a very high precision alignment if you align them approximately by geometry and then lock acoustically by summation of amplitude measurement. I did exactly this and then, after I knew the final position of my MF driver I order a fixed, well calculated arm for my tweeter. In my case I make my MF drive to position atop of positioning table with .01mm accuracy. I personally do not feel it is the best idea and I would rather advise to make HF being able to be .01mm positioned by MF would be fine with 1-2mm. You would not need a machinist position table for it and some kind of general slider would be fine.