Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Good midbass is complicated, if not unobtainable.
Post Subject: Left channel photoPosted by noviygera on: 12/24/2015
This is left channel. Right channel is mirror image.![Noviygera_Lchannel.JPG](/Site_Images/Noviygera_Lchannel.JPG)
I am using 6db active crossovers all around.The subs are pair of 18" Aurasound 1808 per side. The current midbass is the white color horn you see. It is Funktion One DS15. The issue with this one is it designed to be used in PAIRS (sadly, as I discovered after purchasing). I tried it and having a pair stacked sounds a lot better (I can do easily by putting both midbass horns on one side and use a short stand). First of all, PAIRED, they play flat to 60hz in my room although with some ripples, not flat flat. Second, the sound is much more balanced and even sounding than single unit. This is one possible solution but it means I would have to buy another pair of these to have a quad and they are pricey.Second solution is what made me reconsider them in my system -- to build a proper single midbass from scratch.I can go in long detail about the rest of system but the main point is that the midrange horn plays ok to 200Hz although when measured, in reality begins to roll off slowly below 300hz. I have no issues with this it and it is fine sounding. The issue is how to best cover the range between 250 hz and subwoofer.Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site