Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: November to remember… and amassing audio feelings
Post Subject: Small triggersPosted by anthony on: 12/8/2014
Glad I could be some small catalyst in part of your "amazing audio feelings" Romy. The world suddenly looked different to me when my first-born came along and there was a sudden readjustment period where I began to consider the relative importance of various parts and things in my life which has now been happening for the past six wonderful years.
I also get a "holy shit" reaction when I study your DSET Milq design, of course from an entirely different perspective. The more I have investigated the circuitry and the reasons for some of your decisions that you have left in text on this site the more I realise just how herculean your effort was to develop it. You seemed to possess such a commitment and doggedness for the project that few people are able to maintain for short periods let alone the years it took to to get to your final result, and that alone would be a great source of pride for me, and perhaps it is for you.
Some of the defining things in ones life seem to come from small triggers...catching your partners eye for the very first time...starting a family with that person. I hope Thomas is home to you very soon.
AnthonyRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site