Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: Ultimate Turntable
Post Subject: Context/ContentPosted by Paul S on: 5/6/2014
Robin, I'm sure you noticed that the AF1 "reviewer" used the usual "audiophile" recordings, and - presumably - the usual audiophile criteria and the usual audiophile ancillary equipment and settings for evaluating the AF1. Of course, we at GSC know better, and so try to use more evolved methodology to arrive at more pertinent results. This does striate the discussion; but I always assume I am talking to peers when I reel off my thoughts on the matters, supposing that others can somehow establish a relevant context, each for him/her self, in order to glean something useful (and maybe even a laugh) from even the usual vested posts.

A recent session with another high end system made it clear (again) to me: other factors allowing, a well-done heavy platter allows for - if nothing else - musically expressive and deeply relevant LF; and I'm not sure any other approach does this.

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site