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In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: Ultimate Turntable
Post Subject: Ockham's Ultimate TTPosted by dkarmeli on: 5/4/2014
 Paul S wrote:
Of course the idea of "minimal" needs context and a priori determinants, like any idea at all, and I don't see that the Regas belong in this particular discussion, at least at this particular point. OTOH, the Continuum is another good illustration of a techno tail wagging a functional dog, which , IMO, is the first thing one ought to wonder about when presented with something like the AF1. You say the AF1 deserves all the praise, and it's a good value in Yen, so I ass-u-me you've heard it several times, in several systems, and under a range of conditions, in order to isolate its characteristics, including tests on the platter, which you've called "inert". But another aspect of my post was triggered by the "review" itself, which I found to reflect an overawed ingenuousness that goes beyond awarding merit and smacks of the unctuous fawning that plagues the genre, regardless of actual merit in terms of application. I realize that this type of "review" typically has the opposite of the intended effect on me, mea culpa, so please pardon my barely restrained sarcasm on this score, and sorry it stains my perception of the product, despite I know better than to be influenced like this, one way or the other.

Not to throw a wrench or spill oil on the causeway, but another (typical) big issue with the giant, complex gear is that one seldom gets a chance to hear it at its best, whatever that may be, for so many reasons that their consideration would spawn several sub-threads were we to get into it [yet again]. Actually, we have already widely discussed these issues at GSC, and the threads are cataloged here, if you care to look.

Best regards,
Paul S

I have an AF1, look at the attachment in previous post. 
There's nothing complex about this table, actually the opposite is true. Unlike the Continuum the AF1 comes from a long pedigree of fine established tables. Its an evolution of the Micro Seiki SZ-1t. I understand your justified bias regarding reviews, but this is one of those rare cases where the reviewer does know what he's talking about.
PS. Ockham's Ultimate TT would be the The American Sound.

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