Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: OK.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/7/2014
 eli8888 wrote:
Romy I have not dealt with it at all. By now and after many years, I have come to the conclusion that electricity has an effect on music. Some days it is good, some is just ok and some is terrible. And I have tried several solutions and all do little to solve it. It affects sound, but not always for the good. If it solves one issue if makes other worse. But none gives consistent good results. They all vary with electricity too. I did have last summer problems with drops in vol. so I thought that the PP battery could provide safety. And since as claimed here the sound was ok I thought it would be a good solution. But after all the trouble I decided to keep it as it is. I am not really concerned about electricity effects on quality of music at this point. Well I am but take it as a given. When is good great and when is ok I live with it and when is terrible I just walk away. These things in general all they do is alter the character of sound for better or for worse much the same way as cables do. All in my experience. 
A thing that has a lot to do as well with quality of music perceived is estate of mind and mood when listening. More important many times then electricity. But that is a different topic. 

Yes, I agree. The estate of mind is important thing and if you developed dislike of the company then you would have difficult time to deal with their components in your playback. I have a few manufactures whose components I would bring in my room only under general anesthesia. I have some manufactures that I hate foe some absolutely idiotic reason, like for instance I never touch Shunyata cable as I hate and panicky afraid snakes. The fact that company call all product with snake names make me want to puke. So, if you have detested PP let it to be so. Please post if you will continue to look for electricity solution and if you find anything worthy. I would greatly prefer if you talk about sound of a solution instead how smooth your next purchasing transaction will go.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site