Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: Where are our good phonostages?
Post Subject: Well....Posted by Stitch on: 10/29/2013
The reason for posting is in a way relatively simple, some of us got the impression a few years ago, that it is not sufficient to be willing to pay any price to get a real superior unit. No matter what we will pay, in a way any commercial construction has serious flaws. The profit simply rules. And the rule of no loss of any detail is not understood from anyone. In a way, Kondo (the Person) probably, but the sonic layout is not complete for different reasons.
On the other side, we analyzed generally DIY units, not all of course because this is simply not possible, but the very few which were really remarkable were made from extremely clever amateurs with a remarkable technical/musical knowledge. But all of them are not in the Internet communication. More or less based on private contacts....
Finally the question was: Can it be done?
Yes, but it is so expensive that it can be realized privately only, a professional normal calculation would shift it close to the 6- digit area.
Well, why all the rumors? In a way the number of friends don't grow when you don't tell them what you have done and how you did it. There were also serious tries to fish information to implement them into commercial units and last not least, when you show the majority of the DIY guys that they are in real life primitive, time wasting morons, they hate you even more and of course, any negative - what ever it is - will be spread all over. Doesn't matter.
Final answer: Yes, it was done and some already did listen to it. It never was a commercial unit (the chassis is simply 5k$ too cheap for it), so it is simply an information that something was done with a complex information selection based in Europe and Asia many years ago when High End really served what the name promised.
Why in Goodsoundclub?It is the only website worldwide which shows the rest of the world that modern High End is changed to a Profit Center, cheating the customers with wrong promises and promising abilities about the units they can never serve (and never do). It was a challenge to create a unit which can do where others fail.

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site