Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: I have a dream, the dream about a Chair.
Post Subject: A problem.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/17/2013
A few days back I visited a local audio guy and had a couple hours listening session with him. It was immensely pleasurable it only because very good sound that his playback demonstrated but also by the fact that he had comfortable listening chairs.

I need to admit that since approximately year ago Amy and I have changed my single beloved listening chair to a lovely family-oriented 3-sit leather couch my listening habits got transform. I just do not like to sit in there anymore.  I still love to be there to “consume” sound but the couch we have is uncomfortable to sit.  For sure the couch is sexy looking and matches the rest room furniture. For sure Amy and I did spent quite a number of wonderful events on this couch, starting listening together and ending with whatever it was. There are million other reasons why the couch is a wonderful idea. Amy was making fun about me what she first time came to my listening room, was mocking the fact that I have only one chair in the middle of the room. All my attempts to explain to her physical, acoustic and audio practical reasons to have one listening chair were disarmed  by the argument that it is better to have her in listening spot. There is no argument with that – to have her in there is wonderful but as the listening chair was replaced with listening couch I also lost ability to have Die Walküre-long listening session.  My listening hobbits become very shallow and short and I rather look forward to end a listening session than to begin it. I have absolutely no attraction to be at my listening spot and I do not feel “home” in there when I do. What important to mention that it has not become I am loosing interests in listening or unhappy about Sound (there are some misses with it as well) but rather  with my physical detest to be in my listening spot.

This all bogthers me to say the least. I did share my feeling with wife and she is OK to return to the single-chair environment. The problem is that it is not truly compatible with the new room decor and the furniture layout of our eventually living room. So, the whole idea of integrated room where audio and living quarters are combined is kind of slowly blowing in my face and I do not like it. So, I wonder if some kind of arrangement might be find that would give to me my single chair and at the same time keep the “family room” to be family room. I really am missing those hours-long listing session, sitting in sweat spot, listening music, thinking about Sound, to be me and to enjoy what I enjoy.  I am OK that I can’t smoke cigars in there anymore but I still would like to be there….

The Cat

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