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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Audio vs. Musical pitch
Post Subject: Micro linearityPosted by Amir on: 5/2/2013
 Romy the Cat wrote:

As in physics the Unified Field Theory formed by Einstein does not have an accepted agreeable conclusion in audio there is no unified audio design ideology. It is not only no audio design ideology but there is no unified audio assessment principles and many other basic postulates with wish any sensible discipline could not exists.

In physics we model objects like mass, fields and ...  all are external objects.
In audio we need translating human reaction in low and higher level of perception to objects like driver, tubes , designs and ... here is a complicated world , it's our mind.
I think audio is more complicated than physic.

I have simple theory in my mind that i think it's not bad.
I think audio could do better if it react more linear at micro levels.
I have 2 parameter: transfer speed

linearity have two dimension:
1.micro linearity
2.macro linearity

in mathematics we could divide a function to basic functions like taylor
i say f(X)=kx , k in ideal condition of audio system should be constant and in real world k is not constant and is more complex.
k is transfer function (for each frequency). if transfer function express by taylor series i think value of each basic function is not so important and the better response is to have less higher degree.
f=a+a1x+a2x2 is more simple than f=b+b1x+b2x2 + b3x3

micro linearity means less higher basic function and macro linearity means less average unlinearity.

tubes amplifiers have 1% THD and transistors have 0.001% THD (it means transistor amp is more linear in macro) but if we describe k with taylor we see tubes have less higher basic functions and are more linear in micro.
see here:

i do not claim and i just think the right way in audio design is making components more linear in micro then trying to speed up their response and the last parameter to upgrading should be macro linearity.

excuse for bad english

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