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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: Romy The Cat's new Listening Room
Post Subject: Hardwood floors consequences.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/14/2012
 Romy the Cat wrote:
I can’t predict what sound will I get with hardwood floors and how it will be different from think wall-to-wall carpet that I have now. Currently I have architect wood joists 30 feet long running at the bottom of the floor. Then I have a sheet of 1.25” plywood board, than 1/4 sheet of foiled plywood, than then 1” plywood. Atop I have carpet with regular pads under it. If I lay the typical contemporary American parquet then it will be stable to the top layer of plywood, not glued as they use to do 30 years back. So, the floor will not be more solid and it is will then very little stronger.  I am sure it will be another layer of rugs atop of parquet and my idea is that with reflection/abortion of the rag I will be able to moderate the “live top” vs. “live bottom” acoustics in the room. As now I can’t do anything at the bottom as it is dead die to the heavy absorption from my wall-to-wall carpet. It migh be interesting to play with “bottom liveliness” if I have a chance….

Amy is pushing hard for hardwood floor and I think we will go for it. We have started the new project of knocking another wall and made some other change in the room, making it more suitable to be listening/music room. A few dilemmas derive from hardwood direction however. I do not even mention that I need to disassemble everything(!!!) and take out of the room.

The problem is that I am not sure what I need to you under the bottom of my equipment.  I would like it to be slide-able but the regular felt pads (as used on furniture) would not work as I have no wide surface to mound them under the bottom. It will be 2 large equipment stands, one of them over 2.5K pounds, Macondo and pair of Melquiades. It would be very nice to have Macondo on some kind of miniature wheels but I double that I will find them. The best would be to have some kind retractable wheels, when I could push a layer, extend the wheels, slide the Macondo (still have a wet dream about finding my DPoLS) and then retract the wheels. Alternatevlsy if I have some kind of very high-end pads under Macondo that would slide nicely over 3 layers of polyurethane then I could do away with it. Does anybody know of any large side and very rigid under furniture type pads that would be more slippery then regular home depot pads?

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