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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: ClarificationsPosted by clarkjohnsen on: 12/26/2011
clarkjohnsen wrote:
...I hope y'all are attending to AC polarity alignment, else many of your decisions may be erroneous. I've written so much about this perfectly audible phenomenon that I don't feel like doing it any more, so I point you to an excellent comprehensive article, beginning with an excerpt.

I did not see you write or say anything about AC polarity; you constantly keep stressing Acoustic Polarity but not the AC polarity. At least I did not witness it.
CJ: I wrote as early as 1988 in The Wood Effect, and have been talking about it since even earlier. Plus numerous mentions in my columns and on Audio Asylum. I'm huge on it!

Anyhow, AC polarity is for sure a well know phenomena (it was multiple times mentioned at this site) and no one argue that it has to be properly handled. Thankfully with proper following electrical code and proper attention with equipment the AC polarity shall not be a problem and it take care itself.

CJ: It does not take care of itself (what does?) and following the code doesn't get you there either.

Actually AC polarity has nothing to do with voltage leakage in transformers. I do not know what Julian Hirsh measures but flipping AC polarity you do not deal with voltage leakage.
CJ: Indeed, it is current leakage... but measured by the difference in potential. The article was correctly, if ambiguously, phrased.

Regarding the article. I did not read it. I glance from the end and find a reference to Bybee-Sucker as the best AC line filtering device of its kind”.
CJ: The article was written nearly 20 years ago; much has changed. Had you read it... well...

I do not know who wrote it but he is in idiot as Bybee devises are piece of crap, made to use only by deaf morons.
CJ: As with power cords and everything, YMMV.

10 year ago I participate in blind test what I with 100% accuracy was able to detect the presence of one single Bybee-Sucker in system – I truly hate that shit and I discard any authors to patronize the Bybee crap.

CJ: There are, of course, several models and succeeding generations. To which do you refer?


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