Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Analog Playback
In the Thread: The last phonocorrector: “End of Life" Phonostage
Post Subject: What else?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 11/16/2011
Hm, I took the anti-RIAA signal converted and run CD player into the phonostage. The RIAA curve was fine and the effect of the HF volume and frequency-depended quantization did not expose itself. So, it looks like the phonostage is not a problem after all. That is very good and… very bad as I have nothing to blame now. I did played with mono tonearm last week but it sound fine now, with no quantization and I think the stereo arms did sound fine after I finish with it. What the hell has happen with me stereo arms! How two arms might get “broken” like this if then never were even touched? Is it in cartridges? Is it tonearms (both at the same time!!!) Is it something environmental? The cables from both arms come to the same phonostage at the same entry jacks… is it possible that both cables pick some interference from something? The entire analog setup with max out volume has no more noise then it usually has, the noise is VERY low. You need to stay right at the mouth of horn to hear something. It is with 83dB gain in phonostage and 109dB sensitive acoustic system at… max out volume. My normal listening level is good 50dB down, so it is no noise or interference in cables. What else?Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site