Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Opera Room
Post Subject: 2-Channel "Stereo"Posted by Paul S on: 9/12/2011
Let's face it, guys, most recordings are mixed down from multiple microphones and tracks, whether 5-channel or so-called 2-channel stereo.  It is the exception rather than the rule if there is a direct correspondence between microphones, placement, etc. and "intended" playback channels.  And even in these cases there is no guarantee that the results will be any good.  Who knows how anything was or is archived, mastered, re-mastered or dubbed?  More and more analog archives have been digitized, that's for certain.

I haven't really looked all that carefully, but I have been under the impression that, for better or for worse, most of the opera DVDs have been made with 5.1 HT in mind.  Is this correct?  Does this make it easier or otherwise "better" to use 5.1 playback?  Either way, ""the source", per se, is probably a rather remote consideration, so it is really a matter of suffering the fewest contortions to achieve the objectives, such as they are.

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site