Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: The Opera Room
Post Subject: A "new" video room with Altec 21sPosted by Romy the Cat on: 9/9/2011
Perhaps that sick idiot who was popping up at my site last year and who insisted that I am gay was right. Perhaps I am a gay as I lately discover my unhealthy interest for cheap room decoration…. Oh, well I wish I was… 

 The reality is that the appearance of the Altec 21S pretty mach made me to redecorate the room to make Altec to feel in there like home. If someone would tell you that Altec 19 make bad furniture then throe stone in the face of the lair…
Anyhow, today I spent most of the day to work with my electrician, rewiring the room and to set it up electrically in the way I want. It is all done. The only thing is left in the room is to hand my final 120” screen (the screen wires are going to be hidden in power entry behind the screen) and to accept the donation of big ass brown couch from my local audio body.

Funny but I spent so many efforts for such ridicules things! For instance I would like to have a really large and high air flow ceiling fan right above the couch. The house has center air but I like the fans, the smokers will get it. The ceiling fans are no rated by dB noise. So, I got a few and tested them, until I found the one that has the lowest noise.

Anyhow, it is all gone now and the room “feels” pretty nice to me and it is surprisingly good sounding, perhaps as the room has no first reflection on the left and right the loudspeakers.  Funny, what I was buying this house I very much discarded the room as worthless…




The Cat

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