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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Basic guide to advanced audio
Post Subject: Do not glue Sound to the walls.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 8/3/2011
 Jorge wrote:
I guess you cannot say you listened to a horn system if you dont have an upper bass horn.
Yes, I can very much concur with it. The upperbass and MF horns set the frame of the sound, sort of sonic skeleton upon which everything is built up upon. Unfortunately the upperbass and MF channel them are never enough and it much be the very critical third ingredient in this recipe: the room and the proper positioning of the upperbass + MF tandem in the room.

I need to say that a typical upperbass horn of 100Hz-125Hz in open air is a bit shallow. To make the upperbass horn to get that “ringing” tone it has to be in the room and in the very right place in the room. If the upperbass horn in the right place of the room it turns up the whole room on, making the whole room to sing. The positioning of the upperbass horn is super critical and people do not “get” it, even though the reasons are understandable why.

The sound of upperbass horn in the wrong location does not acknowledged by the room and it all makes upperbass to sound dull and non-expressive. If you would like to hear he example of it then listen the sound of Lynn Harrell’s cello. He plays Montagnana and Strad and he is a phenomenal cellist. Still, he always gets dull sound out of his play. I have no idea why. Then listen somebody like Alisa Weilerstein who has much less sophisticated instrument but her sound is some much vibrant and “active” and so much better talks with the space of performing location. 

So, the upperbass horn positioning is very the same. If the upperbass is position in the wrong location then Sound what I call “glue itself to the walls”. In contrary, being placed in the right “active” locations the upperbass horns begin to blossom and it feel as their sound is gliding in the room – a very different feeling…. I had a article “About speakers Imbedded Macro-Positioning” that talks more about it:

Rgs, Romy the Cat

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