Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Basic guide to advanced audio
Post Subject: Defenders of The Faith, Safety First!Posted by Paul S on: 8/2/2011
Of course we do not defend or support a given topology itself but we only wrestle with the results we are able to get from it.  Right?  But perhaps there are some basics we can agree on?  Basically, if it's Tone you are after, you are swimming upstream to go with horns.  Likewise, if you want "live orchestra" dynamics from Tone-rich direct drivers...  Surely we can all recognize our system weaknesses, even if we are too OCD to merely "accept" them.  I hope no one is over-invested in any topology to the extent that he is stuck there.

As for horns and upper bass, Jorge, I really want to hear Tone below 200 Hz from ANY system!  Good for you if you have a horn that "works" that low.  They must be as few and far between as "comparable" direct radiators, however, since I have never heard one.  It would well serve this discussion if you would go into specific detail as to how you get Tone like this from your upper bass horn.

Anyway, I think this is the proper forum to repeat the nostrum that speakers are just TOOLS!  And it is perfectly analogous to handing a Skilsaw to a "random" old lady.  Sure, her head is full of ideas...

Best regards,
Paul S

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site