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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: It is all about hard surface.
Post Subject: There are no potentials in magnetic tape.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/13/2011
 guy sergeant wrote:
Where does that leave the potential of magnetic tape for delivering good sound? There is physical contact but it is fairly constant in nature.
I do not consider magnetic tape as “available source” anymore. Tape can produce very good result but no one record anything on tape anymore and the existing tapes are practically not obtainable. Whatever is obtainable ether garbage already or just recordings that are all know for years and years and available on LP. I gave too much credit to various Morons who sell master-tape dubs. In 7/8 of all case you pay $200-$300 per dub and get quality of sound from this dub that is truly laughable.  So, if you are not an industry person who had managed to steal in 70s a bunch of the tapes from your radio station, TV station, sound check booth, mastering room or wherever then you have no access to good magnetic tape sources today.

The Cat

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