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In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: One PP2000 vs. two PP2000: some results.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/30/2011

I made first set of test with one PP2000 vs. two PP2000 driving my enter playback. All grounds were lifted on the load side. The presence of second PP2000 did not made sound bright as before, the second PP2000 sits sufficiently far from the first one.

Starting from the convulsion: I like when my playback is driven from one single PP2000. I will make more experiment of course but as now is what I’m witnessing. This configuration with single PP2000 has a number of Sonic advantages. Let me I explain them.

Two PP2000 sound louder at louder passages, they truly do. However this loudness comes with a toll – it introduces generic, nonspecific volume intensity instead of the loudness of my sound. My playback has very subtle and delicate texture, something that I value tremendously. This texture is not “resolution” but rather ability to react to very fine tonal and contrast fluctuations while holding other sonic characteristics unaffected. I hardly ever seen this texture at other playbacks, it is in a way my invention and the way how my playback manages this texture is imperative for me. With one PP2000 the scale of my texture rises proportionally to the volume of Sound. In fact I feel that in my playback it is possible only while PP2000 is being used.  With two PP2000 the volume rises but my texture lagging behind. To a degree it feels like at loaders passages there is not enough color discrimination and subtleties dynamic contrasts got substituted with just high dynamic pressure. It does feel loader but it does not feel right to me.

There are some other sonic moments that I like with single PP2000, but in context of my multi-amp/multi-channel sisals I feel that I can mitigate them as they are static. The above-described problem with de-texturing and de-colorization of tine at high dynamic levels is not something that I can moderate with static setting neither with Macondo nor with Melquiades.

I return my playback powering everything from a single PP2000 and this problem does not manifest itself.

What does it mean? I do not know. Perhaps I need to play with grounds or with something else and find a way to make two PP2000 to sound like one. I do not know what kind tools are available for me to do so. I generally can stick with one unit but my single PP2000 does not drive my entire playback. Having my entire playback on without Pacific I have 99% load at my PP2000 and if I would like to turn Pacific on then I need ether shut down ether Schwartz or Phonostage.  Certainty it is not a big deal but I would rather to have two PP2000 loaded at 50% then one PP2000 load at 100%. Do not forget that I have amp that drives ULF is operating in class A/B. I do not want the PP2000 dive into sort bypass each time when orchestra goes fortissimo.

Let see how it goes. It would help if I knew what in electricity of two PP2000 might be responsible for what I describe?  I wonder: are my multiple PP2000 in phase?  Do they need to be in phase? I have no idea. If you read from me about the time-aliment of power regenerators and a need to synchronize the multiple  PP2000’s internal clocks then  at least you will understand how I end up to think about this silliness….

The Cat

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