Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio Discussions
In the Thread: It’s mad, mad, mad... electricity.
Post Subject: The third PP2000 is in house.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/24/2011
I got my last PP2000, after the repair was done. My second new unit works since I got it repaired; it runs the whole playback, sounding very well and my attempts to add a second PP2000 led, as I described to worsening of sound. In the very deep core of my soul I was hoping that the second PP2000 that I was trying to add was in some way broken. It sounded fine itself but running along with my main unit it was not usable sonically. I thought that there is some other unknown defect in this second unit that made it happens. Two days ago I got the last third unit and it behave identically when it added to the first unit – so it was no fault of the specific wrongly assumed to be “broken” PP2000 but rather the characteristic of the topology, or at least the given implementation of the topology.

Ok, I have now 3 fine working PP2000 and I can use only one unit, that sucks. I truly would like to have my power class A DSET amps to be driven from separate PP2000 and my class A/B ULF channel amp along with the front end to be driver from another PP2000. I have agreed with a ridicules idea to use my third PP2000 in my office as UPS for my computers. Still I need to learn how to employ two PP2000 for audio. The whole point to have two PP2000 to sound worse than one PP2000 defeats the purpose to employ the second PP2000.

My objective is very simple: I have the whole playback running from one PP2000 and then to have another PP2000 plugged idle in the same line, while doing it I shall not have any degradation of sound in first unit. I do not have this result now. As soon I plug second PP2000 into the wall I got a lot of zippy brightness in the first unit. I am not willing to do any capacitive filtration before first PP2000. This is the condition of the task and I do not have a solution for now.

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site