Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Bye-Bye, Fane
Post Subject: Laughing VERY loud.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 4/17/2011
 oxric wrote:
….However, as I have said previously, my interest in Fane is strictly limited to this production run and nothing more sinister as you seem to insinuate. On the other hand, you had no problem being quoted on PurePower's site as a user and someone recommending their PP2000. Whilst one could not accuse you of being a dog, you certainly ended up serving as a useful pussy cat. I am sure it did them a lot of good too. Your excuse with putting up with their complete lack of reliable service was to serve your selfish, not to say slighty hapless and desperate need for their 'unique' product. Good for you.
Rakesh, I think you are missing the point. My comments about PurePower were taken from my public site and I have no problem with it. In fact they did ask my permission and I said that it is at public domain and I have no control or opinion what they will do with it. What I would have problem if PurePower would propose to render the long-needed AC bypass and the condition would be that I need to pre-sell for them 50 units in order they implement the functionality.  If you do not see the difference then you do not see difference. I do not see myself to refuse to support what I said neither about PP2000 nor about 8M driver. The story in here in fact not about the Studio 8M driver but about the idiotic ultimatum they extend to you and that you absolutely voluntary have embraced.
 oxric wrote:
I do not really know Fane well enough. Other than a couple of emails and phone calls I have exchanged with them, I have no attachment to Fane. I do not recommend them or their products generally and their is no captive audience here. In so far as I have had dealings with them, they have been courteous and professional and that is all I have ever said. Why this comment provokes such barely controlled animosity from you I find baffling.
My “barely controlled animosity” is a purely subject of your imagination. You create a fetish about them not me. I just having fun to see how they take advantage of you, sure very courteously and professionally. Not that I care, so all that I said that they are “'ugly Fane people”, that for sure in the eyes of “some” people get translated into “barely controlled animosity”.  I found that this overly zealous, stupid and absolutely unnecessary protectionism is very typical in audio and THAT is what I am agaist.

 oxric wrote:
Maybe the explanation is that like all cats you are very territorial. The Fane 8Ms used in upperbass horns are really your hunting grounds, your pet discoveries and it bothers you that others might be making use of them in a similar application?

Rakesh, I am sorry but you are even further running out of your mind with your theories. Are you proposing that I express the “barely controlled animosity” toward Fane because I feel bad that others will use their drivers? I do not even know if to laugh or to laugh VERY loud. I told you before that you need to do some degaussing from all of it as it affects you in very odd way. Now, as you voluntary become a part-time Fane pro-bono re-saler it getting worse very rapidly… BTW, I have some manufactures who would like to employ you as your deal with Fane will be over. I do not talk with Lamm but I am sure he will make for you one custom ML3 power amp if you pre-sell 25 pairs of ML3.

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site