Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Audio For Dummies ™
In the Thread: The “Primary Frequencies”.
Post Subject: Fetus and the different reasons.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 10/25/2005



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 dazzdax wrote:
Romy, are you sure the unborn fetus is exposed to sounds in the 200-400 Hz range? I think it's more of 30-200 Hz (conducted sounds of mother's heartbeat and footsteps). I think babies are also sensitive to these range of sound: they sometimes fall into sleep when hearing repetitive sounds in this range. There is a Japanese story about a baby who fell in sleep after hearing the sound of the O-daiko, or the big Japanese drum.

Nope, it is juts lower midrange and upperbass. It is not my invention by the medical fact. The mother’s interstice act as a band-pass filter, not to mention that fetus is submerges in liquid. The small children and women become sleepy under the influence of very low frequencies because the different reasons…

The Cat

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