Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Monitoring moisture.Posted by Romy the Cat on: 9/22/2010

Bill, hold on. Are you saying that moisture can go across the plywood? The whole point of plywood is that is has layer of wood mixed with layers of glue and as I undusted the glue is not transparent for water. Baltic Birch plywood that I use all marked with MR grade (moisture-resistant) as it made with Carbamide glue – I was told that it is water- resistant. I am certainly under presumption that plywood is much better barriers for moisture then regular wood. I would not want to have river of moist running outside of the horn but I do not think that condensation will be able to go across the horn. Of cause I might be wrong…

What I would need to do it to monitor the state of sand that is use around the horns. The sand shall be dry in there now. If I see that sand got most then it will be a sign. Or perhaps even better - I can buy in Radio Shake for $20 a remote temperature miter with humidity sensor:

Then I will be monitoring if the moisture be a problem…

The Cat

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site