Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: And the driver-winner is…Posted by Romy the Cat on: 7/20/2010
I spans last night some time measuring all my Vitavox 15-incers drivers, inspecting them, matching them and trying to find perfect pair. I would probably get involve in Ménage à trios and will sleep with them if I were able to arrange it. Since the drivers are old, from 50s, they all a bit different: the way how they were preserved and uses is not the last criteria.
As the result a have selected a “perfect pair”, or something that I decals as “perfect”. They are two Vitavox 15/40 drivers – one brand new and another “spotted” one. The new one is absolutely new – never was mounted of even removed from sealed Vitavox wooden box. It has 49.6Hz resonance and very sexy cone tone. It match is spotted driver. It has some very minor drops of paint over the cone. The spotted has 50.3Hz air resonance, absolutely identical impedance rise to the new driver (!) and identically-sexy cone tone. Those drivers as my final selection to be used in my midbass horns. Let see how much they drop resonance frequency being loaded. I did not play with hyperbolic reactance a lot and it will be investigative to me. I consulted with Bruce Edgar and he feels that it might go as low and low 30s. In my case the small mouth and the fact that I will be fitting the drivers “on ground” might add some discrepancies. Well, will see. I won’t finalize the dimensions of my back chamber before I measure the composite resonance of drivers loaded into the horns.

Rgs, Romy the CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site