Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site

In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Macondo’s Midbass Project – the grown up time.
Post Subject: Who world believe!Posted by Romy the Cat on: 6/23/2010
I would never believe that I would face this problem. My carpenter measured up all my space and give me a verdict that he can put in there two mouths 4 by 6 feet with a foot and a have between them. That is it and that was exactly what I would like to hear. So, I begin to do some circulation and I faced a problem: I have too much space. That is the complain that I did not hear a lot from the people who are trying to make bass horns. However, take a look at the numbers.

An 8” throat would give ¼ size of 45Hz horn with .7 hyperbolic dent at 238cm or 7.8 feet. This is very short horn and it will not give me the proper time alignment. I need longer horn but how can I do it. I can’t go for larger mouth and I do not want to go for shaper profile. I would like do not go for 50Hz and lover the horn size to 1/3. The only reasonable way to get longer horn is to shrink throat. So, the 7” throat would make the same horn to be 8.3 feet. The 7” throat would make the same horn to be 9 feet. The 5” throat would make the same horn to be 9.7 feet. I think the 7” throat should NEAR acceptable to me – the driver is still is a big ass 15” incher.

The 7” throat is 17.8cm and the surface of the throat will be 249 sq cm. The horn will be 5.54M or 100 inch long.  The 100 inch long and 7” throat are cool whole numbers and considering that I was born on 7/7 then it might be a sign. Still, I would never think that I would feel that my horn is too short oir have any motivation to make it artificially longer.

The caT

Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site