Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: An idea of “Rain Wake-Up Horn”?
Post Subject: An idea of “Rain Wake-Up Horn”?Posted by Romy the Cat on: 5/8/2010
I was waked up this nigh with very load sound of thunder and lighting. The rain was gashing and I went close the left opened deck doors from last evening. Suddenly, totally out of blue, and idea come to me – why do not use the idea of Carlson Enclosure in midbass horn? I did not see/hear this application before and I have no idea how it might sound. The idea sounds to me an elegant, take a look.

The horn starts from basement and run up to the floor as an average exponential horn. Above the floor we have a conical horn (easy to make) of the larger diameter with Carlson cutout of hyperbolic profile (I drew it straight on my sketch for simplify). The diameter of the opening under the floor is equal to the diameter of the horn above floor minus the Carlson cutout. Then, as the Carlson cutout exponential increase the total expansion of mouth takes place. The thing shall be easy to make and sine it would be ceiling-loaded it might be ¼ or 1/8 size. I find that it might be very interesting idea, any predictions? Mendeleev saw the idea that chemical elements are organized in periodic table according to their atomic mass, so would my Rain Wake-Up Horn be equally proven to be working?
Romy The CatRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site