Rerurn to Romy the Cat's Site
In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Chinese upperbass horn.
Post Subject: Re: Now you are getting to the real crux - crossover points...Posted by rdrysdale on: 8/20/2005
I think Romy brought up some good points about moving the crossover up. I've always wanted to push it down, to use the hf driver more as a full range unit, which is probably the wrong to go. Steve proved this to me when we had the deqx hooked up, because it's so easy to make a crossover. When we crossover down to 200hz everything starts sounding terrible, just starts sounding right at a little over 250hz. We never crossed over above 300, we need to do this. The problem is that in order to realize the full potential of a change, the hf horn should be redesigned. I need a fast way to prototype horns, since I can't go down to K-Mart and get one. One of the Better horn designers around told me the other day that vocals will sound better through a horn of a smaller size and with a higher cutoff. We had a listener over recently that said he could hear some muddiness at one of the frequencies, only wasn't able to pin it down exactly. That might be the crossover being too low, and the hf horn being too large.
Have to go
RichRerurn to Romy the Cat's Site