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In the Forum: Playback Listening
In the Thread: Lecture on history of architectural acoustics
Post Subject: Room acousticsPosted by Amir on: 4/15/2010
 Romy the Cat wrote:
Well, Nicanor, I very much disagree that room acoustic being basically invisible to us. People who deal with sound more or less intelligent always not only pay attention to room acoustic but recognize sound ONLY in context of room acoustics. Take for instance musicians. Talk to them or read what they say: whatever they do is very strongly bind to acoustic of performing environments.
The Cat

maybe not related to subject but:
I think room acoustic is invisible to many audiophiles i saw in iran. it do not mean It's invisible but it's hardly visible to general audiophiles.
I defined a macro vs Micro for perception of sound changes and room acoustics is in end of micro side.
effect of changing a cable or even putting a wood on cdplayer on sound in my idea is more visible than room acoustics.

I do not speak about macro effects of room on sound like boomy bass or high reverb sound, i speak about micro effects of room for long listening sessions.

as we see 99% audiophiles do not care about room and just care about their system.

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