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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Vitavox S2 with Electromagnets
Post Subject: High vs low voltage field coils... irrelevant?Posted by cv on: 2/26/2010
Well, as I see it, one can consider the voice coil a primary and the field coil a secondary of a big transformer.

I can see how a low voltage coil with low resistance via the PSU (which batteries certainly have) could therefore sound different from the high Z variant.

But I wonder if, Haralanov, you have experimented with current sourcing the coils - I would imagine that this would vastly reduce the differences you are hearing (Romy - do try that first with the S2 before you go for a high voltage coil).

The other thing is that if the driver is well designed, it will probably have a copper shorting ring that would render all this stuff moot.

That's just my theory. In practice, I think Dave Slagle is in the process of making some low impedance coils for what was a high impedance driver, so he may have the answers, both theoretical, and soon, practical:
(see the Wireman post)

Anyway, just some thoughts...

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