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In the Forum: Horn-Loaded Speakers
In the Thread: Vitavox S2 with Electromagnets
Post Subject: While educating ourselves about the things....Posted by Romy the Cat on: 2/25/2010


I would not make any assumption about be’s friend who proposed that the heating up magnet describes the major difference between perm and electromagnet. In fact what he proposed I find very stimulating and to a degree might be very plausible.

I think to confirm it would be necessary to measure an electromagnet driver as soon it went off and then an hour later after it heat up. Why where do you see the people who use electromagnet are trying to talk about facts? They, at least that hat I have seen, mostly stress the “much deeper emotional involvement with music”. Ironically the each time I visited the people with electromagnet inhalation I witnessed that they listed predominately garbage and have musical demand of very limited complexity.  Haralanov, I do not mock you, I juts report the facts of my past experiences.

What I have seen was that electromagnet do have own different sound but I would not describe it as “denser harmonic content” or something that would make the “musical phrases more meaningful”. In fact I personally feel that to a large degree all those comments about advances of electromagnet harmonics come from the facts that the electromagnets are more rolled off at the competitive flux force. Look for instance you, Haralanov, report:

“…typical "screamyness" is still there as if the sound comes from a very little zone, stuffed and compressed in the middle of the speaker with tizzing top octave response …. as it shoots with laser gun right in your eyes. “

They are fear accusation if it is what it is but it is not my expense with my Alnico drivers. In fact my experience with them is that they are lush and very elegant. The harmonic density is to a large degree is the subject of the output tube loading. If your tube runs too idle then you might have the sound you have described. Take your driver with “tizzing top octave response” and short if with a few watt resistors – this will load the tube harder and will take the edge off your divers (as a temp solution). Alternatively run a shit of toilet paper over your driver and see how the transients got eaten. Ironically right alone with subduing of unreasonable transients we got the “denser harmonic content” but pay attention that we do not change magnet yet.

What I am trying to say is that in my view methodologically you all guys do a mistake by comparing badly performing perm magnet drivers with badly performing electromagnet. What you need to do instead is to get the identically good sound from perm magnets and electromagnet and then to observe what one topology can do and another can’t. To comment that one driver sounds screamy and tizzy but another sound “better” is in my view not serious and disrespectful not only to the subject of conversation but also to own time we spend to educate ourselves about the things.

Rgs, Romy the Cat

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